Staying Alert and Energized – Top 10 Tips for BPO Employees

Are you working for a BPO? Then you most likely struggle with feeling tired during your shift. Whether you’re on a morning or night shift, you can still feel the drowsiness sink in. the next thing you know, you’ll be asleep on your desk while your customer waits on the other line.

Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to help fight off sleepiness at work. Here are 10 tips to help you stay alert and energized while at work.

Remember to Eat

Remember to Eat

One of the biggest cons of working in odd hours is that you usually don’t get to eat your meals on time. Whether it’s 6 in the morning or 6 in the evening, remember to eat breakfast. It’s the first meal of the day and it helps gives your body fuel form yesterday’s activities. Also, don’t skip lunch and dinner. You don’t have to have something heavy to eat, but at least munch on something to keep your energy sustained throughout the day. You can even have snacks like crackers or some fruit in-between meals. Aim to get more protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables in your diet. Don’t be a one-huge-meal-a-day type of eater or you’ll end up sleepy and even gain weight faster.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Long hours can be dehydrating. Not to mention you’re usually talking all day if you work for a BPO. Keep a water bottle close by so you’ll have water near you at all times. Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day, and forget about those energy drinks. They contain so many chemicals and are packed with sugar, which is really not good for you. Stick with water. If you want to jazz it up a bit, cut up some cucumber, lemons, and some mint leaves and add it to your water. Not only does it give the water flavor, it also helps detoxify your body.

Chew on Ice

Chew on Ice

This sounds a little crazy, but the coldness of the ice can give your body a little jolt, keeping you awake. Add some ice to your water before heading out to work. Most pantries have little ice machines where you can just help yourself, but if your pantry doesn’t have one, you can ask fast-food chains or cafes that often surround BPO buildings for a little bit of ice.  An alternative for this is chewing on gum that has menthol flavor. Just make sure that it’s sugar-free.

Take A Powernap

Take A Powernap

Ask kids, we hated having to take naps during the afternoon. Now, we just can’t get enough of it. Taking a short power nap can help you feel alert and even improve your cognitive skills. Instead of going out of the building to smoke, why not use your fifteen minute break for a powernap. You can stay in your sleeping lounge or on your seat and doze off for a bit.  After a few minutes, wake up, drink some cold water, and you’re energy level should have boosted. Keep in mind though, short naps work, so keep them to around 10 to 20 minutes. If you sleep for more than 40 minutes, you’ll only end up wanting to go to sleep.

Play Some Funky Music

Play Some Funky Music

If you’re allowed to play music while working, then put some happy, up-beat tunes to keep you awake during your shift. Research shows that listening to music not only makes you more alert, it can also help improve cognition. Create a playlist of songs that make you feel happy and active. Avoid tracks that are slow and relaxing since they can make you feel too relaxed and sleepy. Also, mind the volume. You don’t want to disturb the person sitting next to you. Better yet, use earphones so you can enjoy your music without bothering anyone.

Walk It Off

Walk It Off

Feeling sleepy? Try walking it off. Sitting down in the same position for hours on end will make anyone feel bored and sleepy. Every now and then, stand up and walk around the office. Leave your seat and shake off the drowsiness. Move your limbs and do a bit of stretching. Walk close to a sunlit window or a bright room or space if you’re working nightshift. A little light physical activity helps walk you up when you feel like your eyelids are about to close.

Fresh and lovely woman washing her face

Fresh and lovely woman washing her face

Cold Water Trick

The fastest way to wake yourself up is to splash some cold water to your face. If you’re feeling sleepy, stand up, go to the bathroom and splash your face with some cold water. The cold with wake you up and revitalize you in an instant. Some people even go as far as washing their face with a bit of soap. It helps keep them feeling and looking fresh throughout their shift.

Spa scene with natural cosmetics

Oils and Herbs

Essentials oils and extracts from herbs can help keep you awake. The smell of peppermint and rosemary are known to stimulate your nervous system. You can buy essentials oils and extracts from heath stores and sometimes at pharmacies. Keep a small vile with you and when you’re feeling sleepy, open the vile and place it near your nose so you can breathe in the scent. Essentials oils and extracts that have cooling effects can also be rubbed on the temples for the cool sensation.

Hello CoffeeTea

Hello Coffee/Tea

Aside from water, coffee or tea are ideal beverages to take when you don’t want to feel sleepy. They both contain caffeine, which is a known stimulant that helps with memory as well as making your brain work faster. Slow down when drinking it and don’t expect it to work right away. After drinking a cup, give it a few minutes to work its magic. BPOs often provide free coffee and tea for their employees, so you can drink as much as you want.



No matter if you’re working the nightshift, you still need a good 8 hours of sleep to function properly. Turn your bedroom into a place of solace and comfort. If you finish work during the day and can’t sleep because it’s too bright out, then use some blackout curtains on your window. Lay off the coffee and carbs after shift and before you’re suppose to sleep so you won’t have a hard time dozing off. Make the most of your day before bedtime so you’ll be more productive. Do your daily chores and run some errands. Think of it as draining whatever is left of your battery. You’ll fall asleep easier this way.

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