Women were once deemed weak, naïve or simple-minded, and fit only to raise children and care for their husbands. However, we know that women can be as strong, as smart and as skilled as men. And while a number of women find fulfillment in their role as mothers and housewives, which is very noble by the way, some have achieved excellence in other areas of their lives specifically in the fields of sports, music and art. This list is of course never foolproof, but we say it’s a good way to start recognizing those women who have excelled in their respective fields.
- Car Racing – Shirley Muldowney
Most dexterous individuals start their training at a tender age, and so earning multiple medals and awards is no surprise when they compete or perform. Although world racing champion Shirley Muldowney learned to drive in her early teens through her then boyfriend and now ex-husband, Jack Muldowney, the training was informal and more on beating other boys. She eventually had a shot at the Fonda Speedway dragstrip at 18, and went on to become a multi-awarded racer in her 30’s.
- Music Record Sales – Madonna
New names and fresh faces have littered the billboard charts, radio channels, and music videos, but these young singing ladies have yet to box out Madonna off her throne as the best-selling female recording artist in the world. She sold at least 300 million albums as of October 2013, according to Guinness World Records website. Other notable female recording artists like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston have combined sales of 200 million albums. At 57, the Queen of Pop is still doing music tours and concerts, and recording albums, making her truly hard to beat!
- Female Multi-Instrumentalist – Mica Levi aka Micachu
Micachu isn’t your typical multi-instrumentalist. She doesn’t just know how to play various instruments, she also creates her own using different materials, most especially junk. Then too she can make music by tapping ordinary things like vacuum cleaners and pots. Watching her play and listening to her music can be odd, but then again, if you’re to be a multi-instrumentalist, you’ve got to be one hell like Micachu by not being limited to conventional instruments, right?
- Painting – Julie Mehretu
That huge mural on the Goldman Sachs tower in the Big Apple is one of Julie Mehretu’s work. The painting isn’t just gigantic and awesome to watch, it also earned her a whopping $5 million in 2010. For her superior artistry, she became a MacArthur Fellow in 2005, which officially makes her a painting genius.
- Ballet – Sylvie Guillem
Despite not being officially recognized as prima ballerina assoluta (the highest and rarest title among female ballet dancers), Sylvie Guillem is so skillful and graceful in that she was the first ballerina to bag the much coveted Nijinsky Prize for being the world’s best. She moved on to performing contemporary ballet, and became one of the greatest female dancers of all time. What sets Sylvie apart from most prima ballerinas is that she continued performing even when she was 50, whereas others in the same industry would retire by late 30s. She made her final dance on the eve of New Year’s Day 2016, while counting down to midnight.
- Sculpture – Laure Prouvost
While many of us are content with setting up roundabout dogs in our backyards, Laure Prouvost is an installation art genius. Her unique sculptures and installations made her a recipient of two prestigious recognitions: Turner Prize and MaxMara Art Prize. Her projects with Whitechapel Gallery got her the latter prize in 2011 while her “Wantee” tea party video installation got her the Turner in 2013. The Wantee installation was one of a kind in that she has transformed herself from a conventional sculpture or installation artist to that of a modern one incorporating new technologies in her art.
- Highest Vocal Range – Georgia Brown (Brazil)
The name Georgia Brown is so common that wiki lists three singers with that name. But Georgia Brown from Brazil is one of a kind. She is Guiness World Record holder for hitting the highest note and for having the greatest vocal range covering 8 octaves G2 to G10. No offense to Mariah Carey fans out there, but if Mariah can’t beat Madonna in terms of album sales, she certainly can’t beat Georgia Brown in terms of vocal range.
- Swimming – Katinka Hosszu
Katinka Hosszu got the monicker “Iron Lady” for being the world’s best female swimmer today. She not only won one, two but five times in the long course. Blessed with innate talent and a well-adapted body, Katinka also owes her prowess in the waters to the undying support of her husband slash trainer and coach, Shane Tusup. Katinka broke world records during the 2015 European Short Course Championships in the 100-meter and 400-meter individual medley.
- Math/Computing – Ada Lovelace
In the world of science and mathematics, often the names that pop up are those of men. But Ada Lovelace certainly needs to be recognized in the field being the first female programmer. Today, we know of a lot of women doing computer programs, solving mathematical problems, and the like. The Countess of Lovelace started her work and translated Charles Babbage’s notes on the latter’s Analytical Engine. Her in depth descriptions and explanations of the machine eventually led her to create the world’s first algorithm.
- Gymnastics – Simone Biles
Standing less than 5 feet, Simone Biles is short and stout, but she is today’s #1 female gymnast with 10 gold medals in her belt. No other gymnast has earned as many golds as Simone, although she isn’t the #1 in terms of the most number of medals overall. However, despite that, Simone is just 19, and those top medal awardees ahead of her have long retired. Simone also mirrored Svetlana Khorkina‘s (#1 most medals overall) achievement of winning three all-aroung titles at the World Championships. This girl is one small but terrible gymnast indeed.
What do you think of our list? Do you know of other women who might be a fine candidate for the world’s most talented female? Don’t hesitate to send us your nominees. To inspire other women in your online community, do share this article with your social media friends.