More than a million people die because of road crashes every year according to the World Health Organization. The data gathered pointed ages 15 – 29 as the most vulnerable of this global problem. In the Philippines, statistics have shown a dramatic increase of deaths due to road crashes since 2006. In fact, latest data available gives an alarming 10,012 number of people dying in 2015 because of this. On a study conducted by the Metro Manila Accident Recording and Analysis System, they found out, that from 2010 – 2016, the top cause of these road crashes is human error – refers to all forms of negligence and physical distractions faced by drivers like inattentiveness, counterflowing, speeding up, and sudden stop.
Here are the top 10 causes of road accidents as paneled by Paulo Subido (Top Gear Magazine Associate Editor), Francis Tolentino, and Dr. Ernie Vera of National Center for Disease Prevention and Control:
- Overtaking
Everyone is obviously in a hurry these days, but always remember that being safe way better than being fast. Collisions normally occur when drivers miscalculates the speed and distance upon driving. If a particular driver commits overtaking, there are two things that would result from doing this: either a major accident or ire with fellow drivers.
- Inattentive backing up
When faced with a threat impact, drivers are usually forced to maneuver vehicle to avoid collision. Unawareness of the surroundings may cause additional accidents to children, domestic animals, passengers, and nearby pedestrians.
- Trying to avoid a Pedestrian
It takes two to tango. Drivers can’t get all the blame as pedestrians are sometimes at fault for illegally crossing roadways. Alertness and quick reflexes of drivers can help in avoiding this accident, but pedestrians must also learn to abide laws to avoid further damages.
- Mechanical Malfunction
Sometimes, it’s not really the driver’s fault. Sometimes, it is. If the car isn’t maintained well, there’s a big chance dangerous situations might arise. Breaks, tires, and engines need to be regularly checked before and after driving to assure safety, not only of the driver, but also the passengers and pedestrians.
- Turning without warning
Changing direction may affect other drivers if warnings are not that visible or done properly. Make sure to turn on signal lights when making a turn so as to inform other drivers of your next move. Do not turn on signal light on the instant that you’d be making a turn. Give other drivers ample time to adjust their speed and direction. Most importantly, don’t cut on blind corners and occupy other driver’s lane when in an intersection.
- Losing of Brakes
Another common cause of road accidents is the overused excuse of many irresponsible drivers – losing of breaks. Regularly check brakes and always drive a reasonable speed.
- Inattentively Moving Backwards
According to recorded data, thousands of small children are left injured because of drivers who don’t carefully check the back of the car and the surrounding area when backing up. One reason for this is that rear and side view mirrors can’t usually reflect small children or animals near the car.
- Losing of Control
Common reasons for losing control over the car is overspeeding, being distracted, and driving on slippery roads. To avoid losing brakes and ending up ramming other vehicles, always maintain reasonable speed limit and be cautious with the surrounding.
- Drunk driving
Alcohol has been proven to slower reflexes, impairs reasoning, and affects motor skills; therefore, after partying at night, take time to rest or commute or ask friends to drop you off. Do not force yourself to drive. You are unfit to drive. Listen to your body do avoid causing harm to other drivers and pedestrian.
- Driving Error
Drivers who are found to be in a hurry, distracted, or sleepy are very much prone to road accidents. From 2010 to 2011, PNP Highway Patrol officers were able to record around 12, 620 road deaths because of “drive errors”. This terrible cause can be addressed by implementing proper education program for drivers.
With the increasing number of vehicles these days, it is but proper to strengthen the education policy for drivers and pedestrians. The government and assigned traffic enforcers should strictly implement laws in order to save lives and reduce the growing rate of accidents on the road.
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