Any man may experience difficulties in sex at some stage of his life. The most common sexual problem is erectile dysfunction.
Can stress cause erectile dysfunction? There are many reasons for this: endocrine, urological, neurological, medical, and most often, psychological.
This so-called psychogenic (stressful) impotence is an unconscious protective reflex that protects a man from emotional overload. And this decrease in sexual desire should be perceived as a disorder arising from conflicts in dealing with the other sex, oppressive troubles in society, overwork, and unhealthy lifestyle.
How to deal with stress-induced erectile dysfunction? The first things that can be advised are not to panic and get rid of feelings of fear and anxiety: all this only aggravates the problem. On the contrary, the positive emotions that a woman gives to a man (female sexuality, their disposition to a man, compliments to him, tenderness and affection) serve as a powerful stimulus to the emergence of desire and erection. Many stresses can cause such a problem, like being afraid of a date or anxieties alike. Be sure to check out this article for many interesting facts about what to do after a first date!
Quite often, a woman herself provokes a psychogenic sexual disorder in men: reproaches for his “misfires,” not having an orgasm, showing excessive demands on the execution of “marital debt.”
Perhaps your wife bothers you with her claims of a certain nature too often. It usually happens in those moments when there are problems at work or when emotional fatigue knocks you down. You have problems in bed, and you must do what you really do not want, and that does not give you pleasure. See how “intelligent” your sexual organ is? “He” does not spend energy on an erection if you already lack it.
Stress causing erectile dysfunction is completely normal, and, I suppose, logical. Why erect for a partner who manipulates a man, depriving him of his feelings of confidence, implanting a complex of indecision. Does this mean that something amiss is happening to you? It seems there are no problems: your woman is active, sexy, and attractive, but in the routine days of empty efforts, the passions have subsided, the “man’s strength” fails … Then the erection starts to control the man: he is scared, ceases to strive for sex, suffering, experiencing shame. Women, do not take on the role of the pursuer at this moment but focus your attention on the man to feel closeness, trust, and comfort at the level of sensations!
Wait for the moment in which he himself can safely offer you to make love when he wants to do it. A woman should not remain passive but also not replace the dominant role of a man. Let men “hunt” and remember that this hunt should be there, mysterious and alluring. And only when a woman offers sex not in a straightforward manner, she will discover in a partner his male part of nature – the hunter. After all, a little flirting on her part will perfectly make him understand that now is the time to take the initiative. Inexperienced men make a mistake when they try to control their “male power,” while it’s always the other way around.
When caressing and kissing, everything is in order, and when it comes to sexual intercourse, it turns out that the erection has weakened or disappeared altogether. An experienced man knows that such things are not the end of the world; it happens to everyone.
Devoid of emotions and deep personal experiences, sex is rarely satisfying. As success gives rise to success, so defeat entails defeat, especially when it comes to the erectile dysfunction. It is important to avoid a vicious cycle: an attempt at erection, failure, an attempt again, and failure again. Pay attention to the warnings your subconscious sends you.
Stress and erectile dysfunction cannot live together, so give up sex with your partner. Give yourself time to heal the wounds caused by unsuccessful sexual experiences.
So, does stress cause erectile dysfunction? It does, but you should never lose your presence of mind and be confident! Especially now, when there are enough effective means to combat this disease.
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