Monthly Archive: January 2015


10 Anime Shows That Made Pinoys Ask For More

There are certain things that anime can do and ordinary flicks can’t. And for the record, there are certain emotions that can best be expressed in the anime world. Classic example: seething in anger...


Most Absurd Pinoy Laws 2014

Lawmakers are supposed to be the most brilliant in the land. And laws are meant to put order in a changing world. However, a quick look at the questionable bunch below only brings to...


Most Controversial Pinoy Topics in 2014

Controversy must be the universal family name of every Pinoy. For where there is controversy, all is take is one Pinoy to know it, for every Juan to dissect it. Here are the Top...


Bilibid Prison: 10 Things They Found Odd

Funny how money and power can change the picture of things. Who would have thought that even the most abominable of places like prison can become a haven of sorts? When the ones supposedly...